yash khare

Learn new skills

Great learning materials are rare. This is a collection of gems I’ve encountered over the years, presented as a 90’s style web link list, intended for anyone who wants to learn new skills.

Grokking Deep Learning by Andrew Trask

Skill: Machine Learning — Understand how neural networks work from scratch and learn to make them using Numpy.

Type of material: Book

Why is it good: Use Python and Numpy to train neural networks to see images and talk like Shakespeare. The book focuses on explaining how each part of a neural network actually works in a very simplified way accompnied by code all through out.

Deep Learning with PyTorch by Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, and Thomas Viehmann

Skill: PyTorch — Learn how to use PyTorch to build neural networks.

Type of material: Book

Why is it good: The book teaches everything in a practical way, from training deep neural networks, to implementing modules, loss functions, utlizing pretrained models from PyTorch hub to improving network architechture, and getting good results with limited data.

Introduction to Tensorflow for Deep Learning

Skill: Tensorflow — Learn the basics of machine learning and building neural networks using Tensorflow.

Type of material: Video Course

Why is it good: A practical, hands-on course which is good for beginners to get started with using Tensorflow for deep learning.

Introduction to PyTorch for Deep Learning

Skill: PyTorch — Learn the basics of machine learning and building neural networks using PyTorch.

Type of material: Video Course

Why is it good: A practical, hands-on course which is good for beginners to get started with using PyTorch for deep learning.

PyImageSearch Blogs by Adrian Rosebrock

Skill: Image Processing, Computer Vision, Computer Vision on Raspberry Pis

Type of material: Blogs

Why is it good: The author covers each blog is proper detail accompnied by code. Blogs range from simple image procssing techniques to adverserial attacks on neural networks.

Google Android Codelabs

Skill: Android App Development

Type of material: Codelabs

Why is it good: Learn about android app development via a series of mini-projects in a curriculum designed by Google.

Android Fundamentals Course using Java

Skill: Android App Development

Type of material: Udacity Course

Why is it good: Learn all the basic concepts of android app development using Java by building an app from scratch which encapsulates all basic concepts like recycler views, consuming APIs, the application life cycle, etc.

Android Fundamentals Course using Kotlin

Skill: Android App Development

Type of material: Udacity Course

Why is it good: Learn all the basic concepts of android app development using Kotlin by building an app from scratch which encapsulates all basic concepts like recycler views, consuming APIs, the application life cycle, etc.

Flutter Codelabs

Skill: Flutter

Type of material: Codelabs

Why is it good: Learn how to create multi-pllatform apps(iOS/Android/Web) using Flutter with a focus on building with awesome UI/UX.